Friday, 5 April 2013

Autism: What causes it?

Many people wonder what causes Autism.  There are theories, lots of them.

There is, of course, the vaccine theory, that toxins in vaccines cause Autism.  Personally, I don't buy this one.  My kid was on the spectrum from the day he was born, and vaccines had nothing to do with it. 

A graph showing the rise in GMO's in our food system, overlays almost exactly with a graph that shows the rise in Autism.  This is troubling for me, and in my mind, part of the problem.

There are also those that say that we are just more familiar with the conditions, and more people are getting diagnosed because of awareness.  I buy that as well.

But here's what I think:  I see a lot of me in Griffin, and a lot of Steve.  Griffin got Steve's hyper, bouncing off the walls energy, his love of all things Star Wars, his humor, and his melt-your-heart smile.  He also got a lot from me - his shyness around large groups of people, his sensitive nature, his nurturing spirit...and maybe his temper. So I feel like Griffin got the best and biggest parts of each us, with a bit of a supercharge.

Maybe he doesn't have sensitivities, maybe he has superpowers.

Maybe Aspergers is just the next step in the evolution of people.  Maybe we NEED more people with superpowers in the world.  Super smell, super sensitive, super loving, super kindness, maybe the world today needs that, and these kids are our answer. 

As for the meltdowns?  Well, no superhero can be super ALL the time. It's tough being super.

There's no "cure" for Autism.  But it doesn't need one.  These kids are all awesome, in their unique own ways.  What the world needs, is more understanding.  More awareness.  More tolerance. More realization that everyone is different, and that's ok. More love for our fellow man, no matter what their story is. Even if they live in a box in an alley.  Even if they're losing their shit in the middle of a crowded group of people. Even if they can't speak a word.

Maybe, just maybe, these kids and their Superpowers, will lead the world to that - more compassion, more understanding, more love. 

Nice to think about, isn't it?  Sure helps me get through the rough days.

My baby is changing the world; one meltdown, one hug, one day at a time. 

(As an aside - we've entered to win a Springfree Trampoline for G, who loves to jump as Sensory Therapy - if you wouldn't mind giving your vote to our little superhero, we'd appreciate it!  Voting happens here: Just click here to vote. )


  1. Great post! I completely agree!

  2. After I read this article on Aspergers in women, how it looks so very different than men, I was surprised to see how much of my son's Aspergers must have come from not his father... but from ME !
    Have a look & see what you think -- it was quite an eye opener to me, very insightful.

  3. Like, like , like

  4. I like the way you think, Bella! Superheros are needed. G is one! xO

  5. Agree, J. Superpowers it is!! As a super-sensitive person (e.g.: sounds, smells, tastes, crowds, music makes me cry - so embarrassing!, et cetera, I could go on...), I often curse my hyper-sensitivity; however, I am older and I am more able to deal with my issues and in fact, I don't really even think of them as issues any more. My parents would probably disagree as they were the ones who had to deal with a child who cried a lot in public, and whose supersensitiveness made daily life a challenge. When I was kid, I found that putting a paper bag over my head helped (seriously!!) but that's not an option for me now. :-) Griffin will learn to deal with his "hot" buttons or "sensitivities" and social awkwardness or whatever you want to call it as he grows. He really will!!!

  6. What about the gluten theory?
    I've recently heard that picky eating can be a sign of zinc deficiency, and clumsiness is a sign of anemia.
    I knew from the time my son was 3 weeks old that he was "different". Once he was verbal, few professionals wanted to pursue any sort of diagnosis, though we did get the SPD diagnosis (the ped. in Orangeville still insisted that it's not a real condition).
    For a look at his future, check out a book "Too Bright, Too Loud, Too..." (something along those lines). It's about adults with sensory sensitivities.
    I think the greatest thing about having a son "with issues" has been what I learned about myself...I'm not clumsy, I'm proprioceptively challenged. I'm not a wuss about roller coasters, I'm gravitationally insecure. It's fascinating!
